In this special episode, we discuss the films of Noir City Austin 2017 and its theme of The Big Knockover: Heists, Holdups, and Schemes Gone Awry. This is the second of two episodes devoted to covering the Noir City festival, and we hope you’ll check out the previous episode and…
Episode 048 – Noir City Austin 2017 with Eddie Muller
In this special episode, we had the distinct honor to sit down with the Czar of Noir himself, Eddie Muller. Eddie is the founder and president of the Film Noir Foundation, as well as an award-winning author of fiction and nonfiction, creator and programmer of the Noir City film festival,…
Episode 047 – The Pope of Greenwich Village
It is fair to say that no movie has ever made as big a difference to me as The Pope of Greenwich Village (1984). I was fourteen when it arrived and it became the conduit to cinema adulthood for me. I might not have been able to articulate it at…