Episode 018 – Groundhog Day

groundhog day

I’ve written and deleted a lot of opening statements for this post. First, I set out to simply state that Groundhog Day (1993) is universally beloved. I began to list its accolades, but it doesn’t feel quite fitting to take a comedy and explain its praise. That should be easy; because it’s just funny. This film defies that easy praise, for me at least. I chose it for this episode, and yet I insist that it’s not an all-time favorite. If you listen to this episode, you’ll find that Cole and I had no difficulty in talking about the film and explaining what we love (the general point of this podcast) and what we don’t. I think Cole said it best, and I’ll paraphrase him: you get out of this film what you’re willing to give. If you’re like me and you find it easy to access your well of sadness, then you’ll find meaning in different sections and moments, and a rewarding, re-watchable, even weighty, gem. If you’re like Cole, you love the concept but the content is sometimes lacking. Or if you just want for pure laughs, you’ll find them. Is that what brings audiences back to this film year after year? What makes you re-watch it? Keep in touch, and keep listening!

What you’ll find in this episode: the joys of watching this movie with the sound off, Cole’s Delbert McClinton rant, and an Andie MacDowell semi-apologia.

– Ericca

Links and Recommendations:
Check out Groundhog Day on IMDB.
Ericca’s further viewing pick of Purple Noon.
Cole’s further viewing pick of Triangle.
Bill Murray on Charlie Rose talking of profound things.
8 Creative Interpretations of ‘Groundhog Day’.

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